If you are getting below error and/or DAC is not able to test integration services please read on ..
The command: [pingserver] is deprecated. Please use the command [pingservice] in the future.
WARNING: Lost server connection.
WARNING: Lost server connection.
ERROR: Cannot connect to Integration Service [Integration_Service:4001].
I have see that May times DAC acts so weirdly.
DAC is able to test all the physical data source and repository services but only thing he has porblem with is Informatica Integration services.So how its not able to test that.
DAC and informatica services runs file and even able to connect from command prompt.
This may have happen because of multiple reasons
1> New Oracle client installation or ORACL_HOME path variable changes
2> Informatica related changes like hot fix etc
3> Any changes in the DAC java libraries and or Oracle client java libraries
If you saw above error try to copy the ojdbc6.jarfrom your <Oracle Client Home\jdbc\lib> to <DAC Home> \lib and
Edit the batch or shell file which start the server (startserver.bat or startserver.sh) and change the max memory to 1024 if it not already set.
start %JAVAW% -server -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -cp %DACCLASSPATH% -Duser.dir=%DAC_HOME% com.siebel.etl.net.QServer
start %JAVAW% -server -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -cp %DACCLASSPATH% -Duser.dir=%DAC_HOME% com.siebel.etl.net.QServer
Once done bounce the DAC server.
By doing these two things most probably this will fix your issue.
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