We have completed the upgrade from Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 to PowerCenter 9.1. The Informatica Upgrade Guide for PowerCenter 8.5.x and 8.6.x describes an in-place upgrade of an existing hardware and software environment. However, as we wanted to upgrade our hardware at the same time, our plan was to setup a brand new Informatica PowerCenter 9.1 environment and import the code from our legacy PowerCenter 8.6 server.
Installing Informatica PowerCenter 9.1 on a Windows 64-bit server was straight forward but we ran into the following two issues:
- There seems to be a bug in the Pre-Installation System Check Tool (i9Pi). The purpose of this tool is to check that the server meets all installation requirements. This tool kept raising the following error “Make sure that open cursors are at least set to 1000” for our repository connection information to our Oracle 11g database. Even after our DBA had set this value to 1500 and restarted the Oracle 11g database service, the Pre-Installation System Check Tool continued to raise this error. This seems to be a bug in i9Pi because the installation was able to complete successfully.
- If you are planning on running Informatica PowerCenter 9.1 on a Windows platform, please be aware that Informatica has released an Advisory for Windows 32-bit Server and 64-bit Server Platforms. Informatica has identified problematic behavior of the PowerCenter Server, which a user would observe when monitoring multiple concurrent tasks from PowerCenter Workflow Monitor. This behavior is tracked as CR 252994 within Informatica’s bug tracking system. Informatica has released an emergency fix that can be downloaded at the following location:
After installing Informatica PowerCenter 9.1 and starting the service, one has to log into the Administration console (http://server-name:6008) and create the Repository Service and the Integration Service. Once done, install the Informatica PowerCenter 9.1 Client on a client workstation and re-create all Connection information in Workflow Manager. This is a critical task because dependent objects cannot be validated during import without having all corresponding source and target connections defined.
Export all Informatica content from the legacy 8.6 environment into an XML file and import it into the Informatica PowerCenter 9.1 environment with Workflow Manager (Repository ==> Import Objects). After this, we were able to run the imported code in version 9.1 without problems.
Please let us know about your experiences with upgrading to PowerCenter 9.1.
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