- Enter into the directory: C:OracleFMWuser_projectsdomainsbifoundation_domainserversAdminServersecurity
- make a copy of boot.properties rename the copy to boot.properties.ORG
- edit the boot.properties and make sure the below is entered, here “administrator1″ is the original password used to login before the corruption happened:
- Enter into the directory: C:OracleFMWuser_projectsdomainsbifoundation_domainserversAdminServerdata
- rename the ldap folder to ldap.ORG
- make a new folder with the name “ldap”
- You need to repeat the above steps for changing the boot.properties and creating new ldap folder for the Managed “bi_server1″ also under the directories:
C:OracleFMWuser_projectsdomainsbifoundation_domainserversbi_server1data - Open up the command prompt then “cd” to C:OracleFMWuser_projectsdomainsbifoundation_domainbin and execute “startManagedWebLogic.cmd” command.
- Start the nodemanager service if it is not running, by going to the “Control Panel” -> “System and Security” -> “Administrative Tools” then open up the “Services” and start the the service : “Oracle WebLogic NodeManager (C_OracleFMW_wlserver_10.3)”
- Now open the location in a browser“http://localhost:7001/console” and login with the new user and password i.e weblogic/administrator1
- on the left side in the “Domain Structure” go to bifoundation_domain -> Environment -> Servers.
- On the right “Summary of Servers” Pane click the “Control” tab.
- Select the “bi_server1″ then click the “Start” button.
- Click “Yes” when asked: “You have selected the following servers to be started. Press ‘Yes’ to continue or ‘No’ to cancel”
- Once your “bi_server1″ Managed Server is started and you see the “State” and “RUNNING”, this you can be refreshing the page by clicking on the “Servers” link under bifoundation_domain -> Environment -> Servers.
- We now need to shutdown both the “AdminServer(admin)” and “bi_server1″.
- Goto the “Control” Tab and select the “bi_server1″ and select “Shutdown” -> “Force Shutdown Now”
- Click the “Yes” button when asked: “You have selected the following servers to be immediately shut down. Press ‘Yes’ to continue or ‘No’ to cancel.”
- Goto the “Control” Tab and select the “AdminServer” and select “Shutdown” -> “Force Shutdown Now”
- Click the “Yes” button when asked: “You have selected the following servers to be immediately shut down. Press ‘Yes’ to continue or ‘No’ to cancel.”
- Now you can use the below to start back your OBIEE 11g services:
C:OracleFMWinstancesinstance1bifoundationOracleBIApplicationcoreapplicationStartStopServices.cmdstart_all shortcut
use the ./opmnctl startall - Open the http://localhost:7001/em and goto “Farm_bifoundation_domain” -> “Weblogic_Domain” -> bifoundation_domain.
- On the right side pane select “Weblogic Domain” -> Security -> Credentials.
- Expand the oracle.bi.system and select the system.user and click the Edit link
- Keep the defaults and only change the password to a new password. as show below:
- Click Ok.
- Goto the http://localhost:7001/em location in your web browser.
- Goto the “Farm_bifoundation_domain” -> “Business Intelligence” -> coreapplication.
- On the right pane select the “Deployment” tab then the “Repository” tab and note the repository being used in this case it is: BISAMPLE_BI0014.
- Now stop all the OBIEE processes. with ./opmnctl stopall or the “Stop BI Servcies” shortcut
- Open the “Oracle BI Administration Tool” and open the BISAMPLE_BI0014.rpd in offline mode
- Goto Manage -> Identity and under “Identity Management” -> “BI Repository” delete all the users i.e weblogic or any other admin users.
- Come out of the “Identity Manager” and save your changes and close the “Administration Tool”.
- Now restart all your servcies with the “Start BI Services”
- Now try to login into http://localhost:9704/analytics
You might need to delete the “cacheduserinfo” and “cacheduserinfo.atr” files under:
and also you might have to fiddle with the other steps mentioned in the doc:
OBIEE 11g6: Deleting and Re-Creating Users in Weblogic LDAP Server
to get your OBIEE analytics to be able to log you in.
You might need to delete the “cacheduserinfo” and “cacheduserinfo.atr” files under:
and also you might have to fiddle with the other steps mentioned in the doc:
OBIEE 11g6: Deleting and Re-Creating Users in Weblogic LDAP Server
to get your OBIEE analytics to be able to log you in.
- With the many changing features in the OBIEE 11g security model, the below are the few things to keep in mind while debbugging login issues:
- Make sure that your both URLs are tried:http://localhost:9704/analytics and http://<Local-IP>:9704/analytics.
- Make sure that GUIDs are properly refreshed with changes in NQSConfig.ini and instantconfig.xml files with a restart of OBIEE processes.
- Make sure that the BISystemUser credentials are updated in thehttp://localhost:7001/em page.
- Make sure that the currently deployed “.rpd” file has the stale “weblogic” user reference deleted and redeployed if neccessary.
- Lastly you can create a user BISystemUser in yourhttp://localhost:7001/console and add “Administrators” Group and repeat step 4 under Summary, restart all services and login to analytics again.
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