Here are the steps followed to uninstall 11g:
1. Take backup of nqsconfig.ini file at following path: (using pftp)
2. Take back up of instanceconfig.xml file at following path:
3. Take back of RPD OracleBIAnalyticsApps_BI0002.rpd at following path:
4. Take backup of web catalogue:
5. Back the patch files for BP2
6. Run deinstaller (Xming should be running for this as this is GUI based):
>cd /MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/oui/bin
>./ -d
7. Uninstall weblogic and leftovers using brute force (fastest method known to man)
>cd /MiddlewareHome
>rm -rf wlserver_10.3/
8. Remove all directories under /MiddlewareHome
I reinstalled after performing above steps and it worked.