Overview | |
Scenario | |
Prerequisites | |
Selecting a Workspace Template and Adding Repository Content | |
Saving and Viewing Workspace Pages | |
Resizing and Moving Portlets in a Workspace Page | |
Adding Portlets to a Workspace Page | |
Removing Portlets from a Workspace Page | |
Editing Portlet Content | |
Launching and Maximizing Content from Portlets | |
Setting the Corporate Workspace Page as the Start up Page | |
Summary | |
Related Information |
You use Workspace pages to create, edit, and aggregate content from Oracle and non-Oracle sources, into a common Web interface (Workspace). You can create two types of Workspace pages; personal pages and corporate pages (shared Workspace pages).
You can store personal pages in folders to which you have access to. You use personal pages in Workspace to personalize content in Workspace and Web pages. For example, you can use personal pages to organize and display frequently used information. However, personal pages have limits on who can access and view published content. You can promote a personal page to a corporate (shared) workspace page so that it can be viewed by a wider audience. You do this by manually moving your personal pages within Explore to the Shared Workspace Pages folder.
You can create new corporate pages for sharing information with your entire enterprise. These shared Workspace pages are stored in a system folder for which you need permission to access. Corporate pages provide a number of benefits such as easy self-service creation with supplied templates, a free-form layout mechanism for advanced users, and uncomplicated editing of displayed repository content. You can also easily remove corporate pages by deleting the document from Explore.
Interactive Reporting | Sections within the document or job |
Web Analysis | Documents or reports |
SQR Production Reporting | Reports or snapshots |
Financial Reporting | Reports or snapshots |
Performance Scorecard | Templates |
Favorites | User's favorites within Workspace |
Alerts or Exceptions | Alerts or exceptions that are generated by Interactive Reporting and SQR Production Reporting |
Folder listing | Listing of folders (not subfolders) in the Workspace repository |
URL | External URLs |
Text files | TXT |
Image files | JPG, GIF, PNG |
HTML files | HTML |
Microsoft Office documents | Word (DOC), Excel (XLS), PowerPoint (PPT), Project (MPP) |
Extended Markup Language files | XML |
Rich Text Format files | RTF files |
Portable Document Format files | PDF files |
Shortcuts | Shortcuts to a files or documents |
As a report designer, you are asked to make sales and revenue information available for all Workspace users. You will create a new corporate Workspace Page and save it as a Shared Workspace Page, thereby enabling other Workspace users to set the corporate page as their startup page. You will modify the content and the layout.
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
1. | Have access to explore and view Workspace content. |
2. | Have a user account in your authentication directory. |
3. | Have some experience in creating reports with Reporting and Analysis tools. |
Selecting a Workspace Template and Adding Repository Content
In this topic, you create a new Workspace page. You first select a template in which to display Enterrpise Performance Management (EPM) content. You then add repository content.
To create a new Workspace page, perform these steps:
1. | In Workspace, select File > New> Workspace Page. The Select a Template dialog box is displayed. |
2. | Select a template . Each frame (column, row or square) represents a portlet for displaying repository content. You can use the blank template to create a free-form layout, and add portlets as you need them. |
3. | Click OK. The Content Browser displays a folder listing of the Workspace repository. The portlets from the template selected in step 2 are displayed in the content pane. Each portlet has a portlet toolbar consisting of Edit, Launch, Remove, and Maximize options. |
4. | In Content Browser, expand a folder, and navigate to the content you want to add. In this example, an Interactive Reporting document is expanded in the Sales Analysis folder. Each document section is displayed as available content. |
5. | Drag the document section or report onto a portlet. The content is rendered as the end user would see it. You can drag content directly onto the content pane, and a new portlet will be created. |
6. | Repeat step 5, adding content from other folders or document types. In this example, Margin and Expenses is a Financial Reporting report, and Quarterly Sales by Product is a Web Analysis document. |
Saving and Viewing Workspace Pages
In this topic, you save a Workspace page that you have been working on. You close it, and then reopen it.
To save a Workspace page, perform these steps:
1. | In Workspace, select File> Save As. The Save As dialog box is displayed. |
2. | Enter a name for the corporate Workspace page. You can enter an optional description of the page or page content. In this example, the default is left as Save as My Workspace Page. The default folder is Shared Workspace Pages. |
3. | Click Save. The Workspace page is saved. |
4. | Select File > Close > Current. The corporate Workspace Page closes, and the Home page is displayed. |
5. | In Workspace, select File > Open > Workspace Pages > Shared Workspace Pages > Costs and Benefits Analysis. All shared Workspace pages are listed. The corporate Workspace Page, Costs and Benefits Analysis, is displayed. In Workspace, Workspace pages can be accessed from these navigation steps: File > Open > Workspace Pages > My Workspace Pages > [Workspace page name]. Navigate > Workspace Pages > My Workspace Pages > [Workspace page name]. Navigate > Workspace Pages > Shared Workspace Pages > [Workspace page name]. Alternatively, on the Home page, click the Workspace Pages links. |
Resizing and Moving Portlets in a Workspace Page
In this topic, you customize the portlets. In Workspace, continue to work with the same corporate page. You first resize the portlet to fit the content. You then move the portlets to a new location within the Workspace page.
To resize and move portlets, perform these steps:
1. | Click and drag the grab handle (highlighted in the red box) to the required position. You can make portlets larger, smaller, or increase the portlet height or width. Vertical and horizontal scroll bars are automatically displayed if the portlet is not wide or high enough to display the content. In this example, the horizontal scrollbar no longer appears when the portlet is resized. |
2. | On the portlet title bar, click and drag the portlet when you see the move cursor ( The resized portlets are repositioned to better display the content. The example shows that the Quarterly Sales by Product report was moved to a new location. |
3. | Select File > Save. Your changes are saved. |
Adding Portlets to a Workspace Page
In this topic, you a add portlet to a Workspace page. In Workspace, continue to work with the same corporate page.
To add portlets, perform these steps:
1. | Select Edit > Add Content > URL. From the Add Content menu, you can add URL, Favorites or Alerts Exceptions content. The Edit dialog box is displayed. |
2. | In the Title and the Source text boxes, enter a title and a URL. By default, the Show Scrollbars property is selected. |
3. | Click OK. The new URL portlet is added. |
Removing Portlets from a Workspace Page
In this topic, you remove a portlet from a Workspace page. In Workspace, continue to work with the same corporate page.
To remove portlets, perform these steps:
1. | On the portlet content toolbar, click the remove button ( A confirmation dialog box is displayed. You can remove any portlet from a Workspace page. |
2. | Click OK. The portlet is removed from the Workspace page . |
3. | Select File > Save. Your changes are saved. |
Editing Portlet Content
In this topic, you edit the contents of a portlet in a Workspace Page. In Workspace, continue to work with the same corporate page.
To edit portlet content, perform these steps:
1. | On the portlet content toolbar, click the Edit icon( The Edit dialog box is displayed. |
2. | Click Select. The Browse dialog box is displayed. |
3. | Select an Interactive Reporting document section, Web Analysis document or Financial Reporting report, and click OK. The Edit dialog box is displayed. |
4. | Click OK to proceed. The original content is replaced with the new content. |
5. | Select File > Save. Your changes are saved. |
Launching and Maximizing Content from Portlets
In this topic, you continue to work with the same corporate page. You open the contents of a portlet in a new tabbed window. You then close the content pane, and view the content in the same content pane as the corporate Workspace page.
To launch and maximize portlet content, perform these steps:
1. | On the portlet content toolbar, click the Launch icon( The content of the portlet is displayed in a new tabbed window. The view pane is displayed (highlighted in the red box). In this example the Web Analysis document, Quarterly Sales, opens. |
2. | Select File > Close > Current. The corporate Workspace Page is displayed. |
3. | On the portlet content toolbar, click the Maximize icon( The content of the portlet is displayed in maximized view. The maximize icon is replaced by the Restore icon ( |
4. | Select File > Save. Your changes are saved. |
Setting the Corporate Workspace Page as the Startup Page
In this topic, you set the corporate Workspace page as your startup page. In Workspace, the default startup page is the Home Page. The Home page contains three sections, which include Recently Opened, Quick Links, and Workspace Pages.
To set the startup page in Workspace, perform these steps:
1. | Click the Home icon ( |
2. | Select File > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. In this example, the startup page is the Home page. |
3. | Under Default Startup Options, click Select. The Select dialog box is displayed. The default folder, Shared Workspace Pages lists all corporate Workspace Pages. |
4. | Select the corporate Workspace page that you have been working with, and click OK. The Preferences dialog box is displayed. The Document text box is populated with the name of the corporate Workspace page. The document called HomePage is replaced with your corporate Workspace page. For example, /Shared Workspace Pages/HomePage becomes /Shared Workspace Pages/Cost and Benefits Analysis. |
5. | Click the Home icon. The corporate Workspace page is displayed. The corporate Workspace page remains the startup page until it is removed or replaced. |
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