As a best practice we take backup of catalog daily, weekly, monthly.
So here I am gonna tell you how to create a script to take a backup of catalog.
1) Create empty file and rename it as catalog_backup with extension "sh" as shown above.
2) Edit the catalog_backup with " Emacs Text editor " (or) GEDIT what ever text editor you have.
put the following text as shown below
where xxx ; is your catalog name
Code Explanation :
cp -avr /sourcefolder /target folder
cp : Copy
-avr : a= Archive
v = verbose [Explain's what happens]
R = Recursively
$(date '+%d_%m_%y_%H_%M')_xxx : This will add the date to the folder with the extention of _xxx
which means nothing but adding you catalog name as suffix
3) After you input the code save your file. Once you save it, do the following
Right click on the file > properties > Go to " Permissions Tab" and click on the check box which says
" Execute" to make it a executable file
That's it run this script it will take a backup of your catalog as shown below
So here I am gonna tell you how to create a script to take a backup of catalog.
1) Create empty file and rename it as catalog_backup with extension "sh" as shown above.
2) Edit the catalog_backup with " Emacs Text editor " (or) GEDIT what ever text editor you have.
put the following text as shown below
where xxx ; is your catalog name
Code Explanation :
cp -avr /sourcefolder /target folder
cp : Copy
-avr : a= Archive
v = verbose [Explain's what happens]
R = Recursively
$(date '+%d_%m_%y_%H_%M')_xxx : This will add the date to the folder with the extention of _xxx
which means nothing but adding you catalog name as suffix
3) After you input the code save your file. Once you save it, do the following
Right click on the file > properties > Go to " Permissions Tab" and click on the check box which says
" Execute" to make it a executable file
That's it run this script it will take a backup of your catalog as shown below
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